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“Mi bosque”

I never ask for freedom! I exercise it!

It wouldn't hurt us to be kind.

Don't stay outside.

Laugh if you feel like it, be kind if you want to.

Are you so afraid of loneliness?

It's okay to say no, when you don't want to.

Many leave, if I am who I am and if I express what I want, many would follow.

Let them go, if they were never there, they used me; let them go.

Put on the music you like, I like to go slow,

Taking care of me, treating me with respect.

Choosing well, being better every day, looking good, loving me.

Being myself, I like being who I am, being authentic and being loved like that.

Let no one come and try to change me.

Loving me well! Giving me my space.

The important thing is to be authentic; those who like you will come, those who lie will be discovered and will go away on their own, the important thing is that you don't lie to yourself.

Don't go if you don't want to go, don't do what you don't want to do.

With make-up you do not make up your soul, it is nice that others see us pretty,

of course it's nice! The issue is whether I do it for me or for the other.

Do what you want for yourself, not to be loved.

What I do I give as a gift with love and pleasure,

I don't give to you as a gift so you love me or for your approval.

For me life, truth and freedom are inseparable.

I believe more in my heart than in what my head says because the mind makes endless analyses that are often paralyzing.

I like to be adventurous, to let myself go by intuition because I am not a routine person,

although I am never still, I take care of myself with joy and enthusiasm,

Loving myself well! day by day every second.

I like to respect myself and to be respected, to treat myself well and to be treated well.

Give me my space or be given nothing.

Let me be, or don't get in my way!

There are no half measures.

It all starts with me, and goes on, with everything else.

The place within you, where the whole universe resides,

is a place of love, of light, of truth, of peace.

So, when you are in that place, I am.

Guard your thoughts, your life.

That I take you by the hand and accompany you.

I embrace you, without any distance.

Your forest, my forest where we meet.

Melania Diaz

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